Saturday, 20 October 2007

I Will Return

Some of you have emailed me over the last few months asking if Syndicated Blog is down indefinitely. To be perfectly honest, even I was not sure whether or not Syndicated would be up and running in the near or distant future.

I need to take a break from the online world to get my life together. I stopped paying for my subscription hoping that I could return in a few months and appreciate the game once again. Once I was gone, I wasn't sure if I wanted to return at all. Being one of two guild leaders of a moderately large and very complex guild really took alot out of me. It became too much of a chore. Don't get me wrong, I loved leading a guild. It was truly a wonderful life experience and I hope that I will get the chance to lead another guild one day. But eternal issues within the the guild became too dramatic and I started to, in lack of better words, completely despise many of our members.

. . .Wow I really went off on a tangent, I am so damn ADD.

Anyways, I will be returning to WoW by the end of the year. Syndicated Blog will be refaced and will return as well.

So until then. . .

Friday, 30 March 2007

Cow Gear

A guild member found this while questing in Mulgore. At first it doesn't seem like much. Actually it seems worthless, but read the fine print. It requires that the wielder be a Tauren. I was shocked when I saw this. To my knowledge, there is no other race specific weapon or armor in the game.

I did a little research and found very little dealing with this or any other item that requires a particular race. I wonder what Blizzard was thinking when they put this in the game.


Wednesday, 28 March 2007

Alliance and Horde Read Together

I was ravishing Southshore the other day when I came across an in-game book. I
am sure you have seen many of these lying around throughout your travels, but what about in an opposing faction's town? I never thought that I would be able to even open it.

As it turns out, you can read them. Not only that, but you can understand them as well. I would have assumed that since Horde and Alliance can not speak to each other, than surely they would not be able read the same language. Do you think there is a reason why this is possible? Maybe our languages are somehow derived from an Adamic Language. Or simply an overlooked detail that Blizzard never took into account. I bet it's a conspiracy. Blizzard is hiding something from all of us. George Bush, Bill Clinton, Donald Trump, Martin Sheen, they're all in it together.

Trust no one!


Arena Tournament Webpage

The World of Warcraft Arena Tournament webpage is now live. You will find all news related announcements, FAQs, and tournament rules. More content is said to be added over the next few weeks. Of course time will only tell.


Sunday, 25 March 2007


Blindstrike, World of Warcraft first? I do believe I just might have the first, if not the only Blindstrike in the game. I searched all over the web looking for even a hint of this sword and found nothing.

Even if I am not the first one, it's still pretty to look at.


Wednesday, 14 March 2007

Scheduled Forum Maintenance

On Wednesday, March 14 at 11:59 PM PDT, we will be taking the forums down for extended maintenance which should conclude at approximately 10:00 AM PDT, Thursday morning. During this times the World of Warcraft forums will be unavailable. Account Management should be unaffected, however. We apologize in advance for any inconvenience that this may cause

Hellfire Citadel Gameplay Trailer

Hellfire Citadel is one of the first new dungeons that players will encounter in The Burning Crusade

On the blasted world of Outland, within the heart of Hellfire Peninsula stands Hellfire Citadel, a nearly impenetrable bastion that served as the Horde's base of operations throughout the First and Second Wars. For years, this gargantuan fortress was thought to be abandoned - until the recent discovery that marauding bands of fel orcs have made Hellfire Citadel their home. Though the origins of this particularly savage breed present something of a mystery, what's more disconcerting is that the numbers of these fel orcs seem to be growing...

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